servo = 200 servo = 80 Initial startup gripper servo position Initial startup arm servo position Wait for arm and gripper to get to position 3.

Sensors are automatically configured and setup by ROBOTC. void initializerobot() Place code here to initialize servos to starting positions. Add a one second wait command to allow the servos to move, settle into to their positions, and stop before continuing to the next command. Set the gripper servo, servo1, to an initial position of 200, and the arm servo, servo2, to an initial position of 80. In the initializerobot() function, set the initial servo positions. Save the file with a new name into an appropriate directory. Open the autonomous template from the FIRST Tech Challenge folder. These materials also contain information about the basics of ROBOTC.
These materials contain detailed information about how to use the FCS to run a FTC game and how to use FTC templates to create FCS compatible programs. Review: To review the basics of FTC programming in ROBOTC, review the Programming Guides and tutorial videos from the FTC Programming Template extension and the TeleOp Programming extension.

This guide is for use with the ROBOTC programming language. The robot will indicate whether the object has been successfully grabbed using the NXT display and by playing a sound. 1 Introduction In this guide, a TETRIX with LEGO MINDSTORMS robot with an arm and gripper extension will be programmed to move forward until it detects an object, slow down as it approaches the object, and stop to pick up the object when it is within range.